Attention Parents of Kids aged 4-12…

“Don’t let your child’s fear of failure stop them…I’ll show you how to help them cultivate the confidence, persistence, and passion to go for what they want.”

Jill Hope, Founder I Shine

In this live FREE training, you’ll discover:

This training can make ALL the difference for you if:


You don't have to struggle anymore! To get your free instant access just enter your name and email in the box on this page, and I'll help you get started right away.

“I’ve helped so many parents like you gain the skills you need
to support your child in going after what he wants despite
his fears or lack of confidence…”

Sign Up for this Free Training Call Now!

Freedom to Fail: 4 Keys for Creating Confidence, Persistence, and Passion in Your Child” Audio Training ($97 value)



Please note upon registration you will also receive a complimentary subscription to I Shine's "Enlightened Parents, Empowered Kids' Ezine.

No Spam Promise: We will never share, rent or sell your information to any other organization


I look forward to sharing my best strategies for helping your child take healthy risks and move forward confidently in the direction of his desires and create success on his terms.


Jill Hope 
Founder, I Shine


Privacy Policy: We will NEVER share, rent, or sell your information to any other organization.
Submitting your information constitutes your express written permission for Jill Hope and/or
I Shine to contact you via the mediums above. Don't worry, you can cancel your subscriptions at
any time.

Enjoy the great information you're about to receive!

I Shine
P.O. Box 578141
Chicago, IL 60657
© 2008-14 I Shine Coaching and Wellness Programs, LLC